Why two services?
While summer attendance has been lower as usual, our average attendance in May and June was 160. We currently have 171 chairs set up in the room. Additionally, our GraceKids ministry areas are significantly impacted. We want to continue to prepare space for visitors, seekers, and neighbors while we look for a facility that better fits our needs and prepare ourselves financially to acquire a permanent home.
Will both services be the same?
We are planning 2 identical services with full GraceKids ministry and childcare available at both services.
Will both services be livestreamed?
We are currently planning on livestreaming the 9am service and replaying it at 10:45am. This will help us limit volunteer needs.
What will happen with the potluck?
We love the potluck and don’t want to lose the unstructured family time together. We are currently thinking that we will plan a quarterly ALL CHURCH Sunday in which we celebrate one worship service and a potluck/picnic together as a large group. This may need to happen at an alternate location depending on the numbers.
Why is this so exciting?
We are growing and this makes space for more people to join us! With growth comes increased opportunity for community outreach, mercy ministry, church planting, and gospel impact! Expanding ministry means more opportunity for everyone to use their gifts to serve the body! Now is the time to invite your friend, co-worker, and neighbor - there will be space for them!
What’s the latest on finding a new building?
Our building acquisition team has identified several possible “forever home” locations and informed the session that the major remaining obstacle for Grace to make an offer on a new building is growing the amount of money we have saved for a downpayment. Stay tuned later this fall for specific details about how you can participate and contribute as we roll out our “Generous Grace” teaching series.
Where should I park?
Starting on Sunday, August 18, we will be blocking off two rows of the parking lot nearest to St. Paul's building and reserving those rows for St. Paul's congregation. This is to care for our host church well, so we appreciate your understanding! The remaining row in the parking lot, the parking lot across the street, and street parking are all still available. Please see the below image for reference.
Have any other questions?
Please contact admin@wearegracesac.org!