Join us Sundays at 9:00AM AND 10:45aM (Indoor AND Virtual)



Grace Sacramento will begin to do larger scale outreaches (similar to our annual one in December) once per quarter!

Spring Outreach

Our next outreach event is happening during Lent season on Saturday, March 16th, 2024, 8:30am-12pm. The menu is Terrific Turkey and Bean Chili, green salad, bread and butter, and brownies for dessert. Our youth group is making PB&J sandwiches as well. Please click here to sign up to volunteer to make/prep food and/or serve it on that Saturday outreach.


Grace Sacramento is partnering with two Christian ministries serving the homeless every weekend on the corner of 13th and C Street in downtown Sacramento.

One is a shower ministry called Mercy Holistic Ministry (9-12p) that provides approximately 60 showers to homeless men and women every Saturday and Sunday through a two-shower trailer.

The other is a meals ministry (called Lifting Spirits Higher) that provides a hot meal, a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate and packaged foods to approximately 100 people every Saturday (10a-12p). Together, these ministries serve to be an encouragement, share the joy, and give the love and hope of Christ to those on the streets.  

We encourage you to check it out and see for yourself what God is doing in these ministries in downtown or click the button below to sign-up to volunteer. 


How can we (our church) respond?

  • Pray for both of these ministries (Mercy Holistic Ministry/Lifting Spirits Higher) and for God’s guidance as you consider this opportunity to serve Him.
  • Serve the homeless on 13th/C Street (first-timers feel free to just come to observe) to volunteer: for the shower or meals ministries.

Other Ways

  • Join a team to prepare a lunch/side dish to serve (10a) on Saturday morning
  • Donate clothing (particularly men's) for cold-weather
  • Provide financial support by giving through our Mercy and Care fund 

If interested in any of these ways or have further questions or would love to participate in some/any capacity, email Martha