Join us Sundays at 9:00AM (with livestream) AND 10:45AM

Why give?

Practically speaking, giving helps the church meet its financial needs and supports the work of our various church ministries. More importantly, we seek to respond to God's faithfulness to us by being good stewards of all that God has provided (see Matthew 25:14-30). Our church community gives as an integral part of our worship - we joyfully give out of gratitude for God's generosity and pray that God will multiply our gifts for his glory and the welfare of our city.

Here are five ways to give financial support to Grace Sacramento:

1. Give Stocks and Mutual Funds - click here to learn more about this new, high impact way to support our church.

2. Give Online

You can give securely online by clicking below.

Give Now

This church is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind are deductible under IRC section 170(c)(2). Unless otherwise noted and in accordance with IRS regulation, you agree to relinquish control of the donated funds to the discretion of this church.

3. Give by Check

To give to our church by check, please make your check payable to "Grace Sacramento". Checks can be sent by mail or from your automatic bill-pay to:

Grace Sacramento Church
2958 59th St. Building B
Sacramento, CA 95817

4. Give Cash

Each Sunday, our Ushers pass offering plates during our two worship services. Denominations of $1 or smaller are directed to our Mercy & Care fund.

5. Text Your Gift

You can also give by texting 84321.

We use an SSL certificate to establish a secure, encrypted connection between your browser and this website, in order to protect your sensitive data. If you choose this method to give, we ask that you consider giving via Bank Account Transfer (as opposed to Credit or Debit), as the fees incurred will be significantly less.

Thank you for supporting our mission to proclaim the gospel at Grace Sacramento!