These core values are what matter most to us. They identify who we are, what unites us in fellowship, and guide how we achieve our mission. We are committed to developing and pursuing these Biblical kingdom values.
The Word of God
We value the Bible as the inspired Word of God, authoritative and relevant for all believers in doctrine and practice. We encounter the living God and are transformed by the Holy Spirit as we read, study, teach, and obey God's Word.
We value worship, both personally and corporately, as a celebration and response to God’s love for us. We believe we were created for worship of a gracious God.
A Culture of Grace
We value the gospel because it leads us to a life of grace. We value a safe community of healthy and loving relationships where real growth occurs.
Inter-generational/Multi-cultural Ministry
We value the inter-generational and multicultural family of God. We are committed to celebrating the diversity of our community and the awesome opportunity to witness by our words and actions to be the reconciling love of God for all peoples.
Growth and Multiplication
We value the discipleship as the life-long journey of following Him, becoming more like Him, and making Him known.
The Lost and the Stranger
We embrace the lost and the opportunity to share God's love. Our desire is to build bridges, not fences, in reaching those outside the church who God has placed in our lives and those inside the church who have not yet found their place.
Our City
We celebrate our joyous responsibility as Christians to love and serve our neighborhoods and the cities and communities of Sacramento with the time, talents, and resources that have been given to us by God.
The World
We believe that God is redeeming people by His grace from every tribe and language and people throughout the world. We send and we go into all the world because we are a preview of the kingdom of God to come.