Join us Sundays at 9:00AM (with livestream) AND 10:45AM

Mia was born and raised in the Sacramento area. She graduated from William Jessup University and Reformed Theological Seminary with degrees in Biblical Studies. Mia loves being outside, being with people, playing sports, especially baseball - go Oakland A’s! She is often found in coffee shops or on a day trip to Donner Lake, or making and eating tacos.

When I was 6 years old I was invited to attend a Vacation Bible School over the summer at my friends church. For 3 days, I heard about who God was, that he sent his son to die for my sins and how much he loved me. After that event I just wanted to go back to church each week to keep learning more about this amazing God who loved me. He captivated my heart in junior high and I committed to trust Jesus as my savior and follow him. Which led to me to buy every Jesus shirt I could find so that I could be a walking billboard to tell people how much God loved them too! I no longer have those shirts but Acts 20:24 has become a life verse for me, which says, “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” Knowing Jesus has been the joy of my life and it is undeniable that God has his hand over every part of my story.

My hope is that Grace Sacramento will be a place in the city where anyone who walks through the doors will know “God is in this place.” That those who have never heard of Jesus, those who have followed him as long as they remember, and everyone in between would find a home. My prayer is that in everything we do, Christ would be glorified and that we would have the opportunity to share Jesus with all who need the Good News.