40 Days of Wonder [4/2/18]
“We are an Easter people” is still ringing in my ears from this morning’s sermon. I’m not sure if there’s anything more telling or a better descriptor of who we are than this: “We are an Easter people.” It provokes a sense of profound and deep faith, one that tells us that we are connected in someway to something that happened to someone so long ago. That what happened two thousand years ago isn’t just an isolated incident., but carries relevance and real significance for us today.
A Jewish man being crucified on a cross during the time of the Roman Empire and then three days later coming back to life is fantastic, outlandish, but also true. We believe that the sum of our faith is this: that he died, was buried and most importantly, was raised from the dead. It is His death and resurrection that reconciles a sinful humanity to a holy God.
The Easter story changes everything. It alters the course of human history forever: that there is no fear in death, that death is not the end and that there is hope. All because one man died and rose again.
Over the next 50 days (until Pentecost), we journey with the first Christians as they come to terms with this incredible account of Christ's coming back from the dead. It is what shaped priorities and created a way of life for the early church. The first disciples of Christ weren’t just convinced, but convicted of two things: 1. Their belief that Jesus was in fact the Son of God and 2. The resurrection of Christ.
The Easter account is deeply personal but never private. The disciples of Jesus knew the key to salvation and eternal life was too good to keep secret or silent. It needed to be shared. Easter invites us to celebrate, connect the story of the resurrection with our story of faith and then to pass that on to others.
Over the next several weeks, we’ll be preaching through a series we’ve entitled, “The 40 Days of Wonder” as we look at Jesus’ appearance to many people after His resurrection until His ascension. We’ll finish our series 50 days out to Pentecost Sunday.
The Road to Emmaus [Luke 24:13-35]
Doubting Thomas [John 20:24-29]
Children, Do You Have Any Fish? [John 21:1-14]
Simon Peter, Do You Love Me? [John 21:15-19]
Making Disciples [Matthew 28:18-20]
The Ascension [Acts 1:1-11]
The Pentecostal Church [Acts 2:1-13]
We’ve made the long way through Lent. Easter has arrived! We are an Easter people who live Easter every day by the awesome and amazing life giving power of the Resurrection. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
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