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God is on the Move [6/4/18]


Grace Sacramento has recently begun to support local missionaries Jeff and Cameron Clay along with their daughters Abby and Hattie. The Clays are members of Grace Sacramento and team leaders for Cru Sac Metro, a campus ministry building evangelistic movements on college campuses throughout the Sacramento area. I invited Jeff to be the first of several guest bloggers we are featuring this summer. 

Here is a little bit about what Cru is doing on campuses like Sac State and others in our city.


Surfacing Leaders on Every Campus
God is on the move, and our job is to join him in the work that he is already doing. Our belief is that he has raised up or is raising up the people and resources within a five mile radius of each campus to reach that campus with the gospel.

With that vision in mind, our Sacramento staff team, a few UC Davis Cru students and staff, and ten Salt Lake City Cru students on spring break recently blitzed five campuses in our area (Sac State, Sac City College, Cosumnes River College, Lake Tahoe Community College, and Yuba College) over a two-week period seeking to find people whom the Lord has raised up. We personally initiated with 1,649 people individually on those campuses in order to share with them this vision:

"We're with an international student missions organization called Cru. We're seeking to start the group here today. We're looking for people who love God and want to share Christ with their classmates. Is that you, or do you know someone who fits that description?"

Honestly, this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Once you find the needle, however, or the leader that the Lord has raised up, a gospel movement of evangelism and discipleship can really take off quickly.

One person that was surfaced at Yuba College was Joseph. Joseph is one of about a dozen students we found during our one-day visit to the campus who wanted to help start a spiritual movement at Yuba.

“I want there to be a space for people to come and ask questions and talk about God," Joseph said.

Lucas, one of our staff members, shared with Joseph about the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20, and the principle of spiritual multiplication found in 2 Timothy 2:2. They talked about how God might start a movement at Yuba College through Joseph. Joseph wrote down five Christians he could involve in his vision, and five non-Christians he could begin to share the gospel with.

Pray for Joseph and students like him at Yuba College and around the Sacramento area. Our vision of student-led movements everywhere is dependent on them! Pray that God would ignite a passion in them to reach their fellow students with the gospel. And also pray that God would graciously give them what they need, whether that's training, resources, or simply encouragement.

Thanks for being part of reaching every campus in the Sacramento area and beyond with the gospel!
Here are a few ways you can pray for the Cru ministry in the Sacramento Metro area:

Prayer Requests
Praise the Lord for bringing students and staff from Salt Lake City and UC Davis to help surface students leaders at campuses in the area.
Pray that the Lord would raise up students and volunteers to reach local college and high school campuses with the gospel.
Pray for our students heading out on Cru Summer Missions this summer. From Sac State: Emily (East Asia), Aaron (San Diego), and Johnny (Colorado). From American River College: Bobby, Regan, and Haley all heading to San Diego. From Folsom Lake College, Hunter (San Diego).
Pray for Paul, a former Cru Sac Metro staff member and the husband of one of our current staff members, Carrie. Paul was recently diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. Pray for his complete healing and for Carrie as she cares for their family.

Read more from Jeff and Cameron at If you’d like to learn more about Cru Sac Metro and how you can become more involved contact the Clays at:​